Delusion 2 – Liberty in Chains

Galatians 5:1 – Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.

King James Bible

In Delusion 1, we discussed the violent and angry roots of Christianity, and by default Judaism. Now let us look at one of the core tenants of mainstream and fundamentalist Christianity, the delusion of freedom in their chains. As seen in the above quoted text, the claim is that the ethereal Christ supposedly has made Christians free, and the bondage they are reportedly free from is that of original sin, which leads to the lovely place of eternal fire we discussed last article.

In their dogma, Jesus himself supposedly said the following:

  • John 8:36 – If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.
  • John 8:32 – And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

Now this truth however, is something that is only revealed to this one particular group, out of all the beliefs in the world (many of which are thousands of years older) and somehow is the only method. While this is indicative of literal cult like thinking, let us look at the supposed freedom that these individuals believe that they enjoy.

The biggest freedom that they think they have, is that of a freedom from eternal punishment, which they sometimes gleefully will tell us we are facing. In reality it is not because of anything we have done, but because of the false thought process of Original Sin (Romans 5:12). Now if one looks through that portion of their text, it says that even those who did not sin like Adam would die because of Adams sin. How crazy is that?

Hostage to Faith

One of the interesting aspects of Christianity (for sake of this article) and the other Abrahamic Faiths, is the construction of their ideology.

Think about the average child, born in Asia or Africa, never seen or heard of Christianity. This young person will grow up being taught whatever the local religious belief is, be it Buddhism, Shinto, tribal religions and otherwise, and will believe just as much as the crazy baptist preacher down the street. However, because of the construct that is Christianity, the mainstream and fringe groups will believe that this young person will die and go to hell because they did not accept Christ as laid out in their book (Romans 10:9-10, 13). They will believe that this individual was a slave to sin, or evil in the form of the devil, and therefore unworthy of ‘God’s love and care. (Never mind the belief that everything is decided and set in place by ‘God’, so therefore he allowed this child to be born in that position.. It is unfortunate that ‘God’ picked an unimportant barbarian tribe in the middle east to reveal his master plan to, instead of civilizations with a larger influence on culture.)

So now, let us think of the average non-ethnically specific American child born in the USA. They are statistically likely to be born in a mainstream Christian household, and will be raised with some semblance of religiosity and Christian faith process. (Now, Christians will immediately jump on this claiming that if the individual was not raised in ‘X’ denomination then they will go to hell anyway – which in and of itself shows the cult mentality that these people have.) At a young age, this child will be told that they are inherently evil due to Adam, and that they will die and go to hell, even as a child without accepting Jesus. Nevermind the conundrum that this child is somehow more favored than the former child we discussed by this supposedly impartial ‘God’, but this little person will somehow be indoctrinated into thinking that they are evil and wicked.

These two differing upbringings may have similarities however, as both are raised with the faith of their parents or social group, however let us further examine the Christian perspective – not for any other reason than I myself was in this situation, was raised within the cult of fundamentalist Christianity, and have seen the damage it does to families and individuals. (If you have experienced with similar issues with other faiths, feel free to tell me about it in the comments.)

Christians are indoctrinated into thinking that they were individually created by ‘God’, with a naturally evil nature. This in turn caused him to send his ‘son’ to die (lets ignore the fact that he supposedly came back to life, so really didn’t sacrifice anything in the end) for them, and they must accept that or else face eternal punishment. Ignore the rest of Christian dogma for the moment, ranging from homosexuality, to trying to show pride in ones accomplishments, and just think of the hostage situation that this creates in the individual raised in, or converted to.

We have all heard of something called Stockholm Syndrome, and the effect it has on individuals either kidnapped, held hostage, or living in abusive relationships. How that, these individuals will form a trauma bond with their captor/abuser, and in the end will do anything to protect those who seek to harm them. This is the same situation that is found in faith based hostage situations like Christianity, and by extension Judaism and Islam. ‘God’ is going to punish you forever, unless you do exactly as he says.

This prison of belief is used to keep dissenters in line, families controlled, and individuals afraid of thinking for themselves.

Religious Liberty Myth

Something else that ties into the idea of liberty that Christians will scream about repeatedly, is the idea of religious liberty. While this is something that is enshrined in the US Constitution, we on the alternate paths see that this does not apply to us in their minds. As can be seen in the evangelical article referencing attempts by The Satanic Temple to combat Christian theocrats/nationalists here.

The important thing to realize is that this is a majority opinion of most Christians, and can be found all across social media any time TST starts a fight against Christian Nationalists and supremacists. The ideology of freedom does not apply in reality to us, regardless of their claims here and there. They will not stand and defend our right to the same level of inclusion as their mainstream faiths, and the same is seen in their (Christians) treatment of Muslims as well.

This can be reversed however, as Islamic majority nations are even more repressive against other faiths such as Christianity, Judaism, and pagan faiths. Executions are common in these barbaric regions, but is a valuable reminder that Christians not many centuries ago were just as violent against pagans, gypsies, Jews, and other individuals as well. Try watching someone of the LGBT, or other religions receive any form of humane treatment – it is labeled as indoctrination or favoritism, which is exactly what they wish to continue to enjoy themselves.

The Abrahamic faiths preach a superiority to all others – regardless of the validity of the beliefs or spiritual experiences. They will discredit the spiritual experiences of Hindus or Buddhists, denouncing and oppressing those who experience them, while expecting the entire world to bow before the throne of the Abrahamic god of various names.

From the domination of public displays, search results on the internet, and the discourse in government, these mythological systems have outsized influence in every aspect of our lives.


You may be reading this and wondering why I would be wasting my time on tackling the monster that is Christianity. Any time an atheist, Satanist, or any mixture of occult beliefs expose these things about Christianity, Christians and even some occult practitioners accuse individuals of being ‘obsessed’ with it. I would contend it is the exact opposite, as someone who was so far up their own ass within fundamentalist Christianity, wants these misguided and enslaved people to see something beyond their own perspective which has been drilled into them through fear and bondage.

These people have no problem using thought terminating cliche’s against their followers, children and others, it is only fair that brutal and honest truth is used in an attempt to wake them up. Even if the massive advertising budgets of Christian websites bury this article on page 45 of Google search results, maybe one Christian who is unsure will see this and realize they are not alone, and not wrong.

Then it will be worth it.

Check out this website dedicated to helping individuals leave harmful religious groups and overcoming the trauma from such experiences.

Hail Satan!
Rex Shade